Are You Listening?

In a recent post I described the importance of fixing the small things (or “broken windows”) in our businesses so that people don’t think we’re neglecting our business. As is the norm, I also sent the same article to my email list.
I had a surprising reaction – two people contacted me and pointed out broken windows of my own! One person said I was using an unattractive font in my emails and the other person pointed out that simply putting “Brendan” as the sender ran the risk of being perceived as Spam. He suggested that I use my full name or my company name.
These two people took time out of their day to contact me with constructive criticism. Both suggestions made sense and they were easy to implement so I went ahead, made the changes necessary and thanked the two people.
Now who knows if or when they’ll next use my services. (They’re both customers who remain interested in what I have to say.) But they are engaging with me – and when people engage with you with constructive criticism you’ve a chance to stay in their heads. Will you stay there as someone who ignored a helpful suggestion they made? Or will you instead be remembered as someone who listened, acted and appreciated?
The choice is yours. But it begins with you being open to criticism. Get in touch if you’d like help opening up the communication channels with your marketplace.

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