How About This For An Attitude?

Recently I used the services of a provider.  I’ll keep their identity private – but I want to make their attitude public.


I got an email from them yesterday that included the following : “In the spirit of openness and desire for continuous improvement in customer service, are there a few things you can think of that we could/should have done more, better, different or less????”


The question is humble and succinct yet comprehensive in scope.  The attitude underpinning it is spot-on.  And what made the question even more powerful is that it wasn’t part of some system that issues such queries automatically after each customer’s experience.  (Such systems can be very valuable – but I’d caution against instituting them for every sale – as that can lead to annoyance and fatigue on the part of recipients.)


No – the email I received was a spontaneous non-formulaic response from a Chief Executive to an email I had sent him.  He genuinely wants an answer.  With that spot-on attitude has he a chance of learning how he might improve his overall offering?  Absolutely.  And will I tell others about this in a positive way?  Yes.


Not bad for something that probably took him less than 30 seconds to do!  He has the right attitude – just like the William Hurt character at the end of The Doctor.


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