Keeping it real


Kilkenny is a great city to live in.  I can walk into the centre in 30 minutes or so – with the majority of that 30 minutes being along the picturesque river Nore.


This evening I had a meeting downtown.  I had hurt my calf running yesterday so decided to walk to the meeting to try and give the leg a good stretch.


The walk took closer to 40 minutes – as I stopped along the way to chat to a friendly neighbour and an equally friendly cousin of my wife’s.  I also just managed to avoid a few lumps of “canine faeces”.


The friendly chats and the faeces avoidance were both down-to-earth – in different ways.  Very different to my norm – which is to drive to downtown meetings.  I know I know – driving is ridiculous.


When you drive you can look out the windows and listen and perhaps think that you’re in touch with your surroundings.  But you’re not.  You’re actually hurtling along in your 1500kg+ of metal – unable to really take in things.  You’re cocooned.


Could the same apply to your business?  Could you be cocooned from your customers or employees – wrongly thinking you’re really in touch with what they’re thinking?  How about making real contact with them?


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