Make Life Easy For Customers

In my business I take a close look at my financial numbers on (at least) a monthly basis.  Now I decided recently that I’d like to be able to finalise my monthly accounts on the 1st of the month.  There’s no problem getting most of the information necessary for that – including stuff like receipts, online access to my business bank account, etc.  The one missing piece is my business credit card – the statement doesn’t arrive for a further week and I don’t have online access to the transactions.

Now I recently did get the hardcopy form which I need to fill out and return to the bank in order to get that online access.  And I’ll do so this month.  But it got me thinking…

Why should I have to fill out the form and get it to the bank (via post, fax, or scan+email)?  Now the cynics among you might say why doesn’t Brendan simply do the work rather than blogging about it!  Fair point.  And there’s also the possibility that a form is necessary because of legal financial regulation.

But there’s also the possibility that the bank simply wasn’t thinking of how it could make life easy for customers.  When a business customer is applying for a credit card would it take much to ask them if they want online access?

Is there anything that you could do right now to make life easier for your customers?  If there is – just do it.  And if you think there isn’t, or if you’re wondering if there is, be humble and just ask them!  Let me know if you want help asking them!

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