Texas Republicans and customer perspectives

On July 4th, Independence Day in the world’s oldest republican democracy, it’s appropriate perhaps to have an American theme to the blog.


So – one of my favourite iPhone apps is NPR – America’s National Public Radio. And today I was listening to an NPR story discussing whether Hispanics can ever become supporters in large numbers of the Republican Party.


Opinions are split within the party. Some think it can never happen – and fear the long-term consequence for the Republicans in the state. One of those though who disagrees is Mike Gibson, chairman of the party in one of the state’s counties.


And how does he think the Republican Party can appeal more to Hispanics and other minority groups?


Simple : “What we have to do is go and reach them where they are — not make them come to us”.


What he is saying applies to business too.


Here are three yes/no questions for you :


Do you look at things from the perspective of your customers?


Do you know what they want or need?


Are you offering them what they want or need?


If you’ve answered “No” to any of those questions then do whatever you need to do to make the answers all “Yes”.


And if you need help I’m here to help.


Happy 4th of July!


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